Thursday, May 14, 2009

What is Cupping in Chinese Medicine?

Most of the patients I have these days are familiar with acupuncture needles, but when it comes to the glass and plastic set of cups sitting in my office, most people take a look at them and ask me: what's that?

I tell them that cupping is a type of therapy good for pain, particularly pain related to lack of blood flow and stagnation that is a cold and damp nature. I also mention that it can be done to help breathing issues like asthma or digestion issues. Cupping is unique in that it is mostly a reducing therapy or one that takes away. Whereas acupuncture puts something into the body (although energetically it can pull out), cupping literally sucks pathogens out of the body.

Just a couple things to know about cupping.
1. Many people notice its draining effect, particularly after the first treatment. They sometimes feel tired or literally like they are detoxing. Cupping is said to purify the blood. It brings the old blood to the surface. The body needs to create new blood to heal the bruise it makes.

2. That's right, cupping often leaves bruises on the body. Such bruises can be quite diagnostic about the conditions lying underneath. For instance, if there is a lot of heat and inflammation we will find red circles after the cups are removed. Areas of blood stagnation will be purple.

If you would like to try cupping and experience its health benefits, or for more information call Kat Delse, L.Ac. at (707) 775-8311 or visit

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